30. min
Creamy Scrambled Eggs with Croutons
This is a recipe where creativity and appreciation for flavor speak louder!
3 Doses | Medium | Main Course
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This recipe allows to offer a range of colors and vitamins. In addition, vegetables are low in calories, which allows people in caloric enjoy this beautiful recipe. All vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals and trace elements essential for the proper functioning of our body and especially to keep us in shape. In addition, this recipe will be a success among your guests.
30 min.
1 Day
do not freeze
Boil the green leaves of leek in water for five minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Chop the onion, cut the white part of the leek into half-moons and bring them to the fire to brown in the oil. Cool with white wine and add curcuma.
Cut the mushrooms, carrot, pepper and buckwheat into small pieces. Add them to the braised, as well as the cardamom and bay leaf and season with salt and pepper. Let it cook over low heat and pour the leek broth as you cook. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Put some various lettuces in the bottom of the cups or bowls and fill with alternating layers of regular croutons and the stewed vegetables. Serve next, garnishing with mint leaves.